~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~http://deoxy.org/iching - NUMBER 36~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There's a Bad Moon Rising, so just keep your head up, and don't stay too LOGICAL.
I just wanted to supply an IV to this moribund blog, like I do every few months. So I thought I would do a life update for those who are interested. It seems like a lot has happened, but at the same time, I have not moved that far in any direction. Probably a similar sentiment among 23 year olds afraid of real life stability.
The big news is that I have finally gotten into graduate school and will be moving out east in July. In retrospect, the year off was necessary. My head was a jumbled mess out of graduation. In response, I bummed around St. Joseph and then the country, drank a lot at the weddings I attended, and had a sort of bottoming out when I got back home. College is a bubble, it doesn't really teach you a lot of skills, but it does serve as a sort of incubation chamber where the germs of your future can grow strong enough to survive the harsh realities of the world around us. Wow, that was a long, awkwardly phrased sentence. Whatever, #NoSecondDraft.
Summer '16 is shaping up to be as much of an adventure as last summer. Next week I am heading back up to Minnesota to see old friends, then I have the rest of May to save up as much money as I can to fly out east again and look for housing. Then a week after that I have the annual Boundary Waters trip to attend to, and if I am not broke by the end of all of that, I have to find a way to move most of my shit across the country by early July, when I register for classes. Life is medium difficult and life is a grind, but these things give me something to look forward to.
My mantra when I got out of college was "SURVIVE," and I think that reflected how overwhelmed I felt looking at the aftermath of four years at college. But over this last year, the survival mantra has changed into a mantra of balance, of doing what makes me happy. The time has flown by, and when I look back at this last year, at what seemed so stressful and anxiety-ridden, I realize that balance has been my biggest accomplishment. I quit smoking, I got to the gym, I stopped fighting with my family, I started making a little money, I got into grad school, I went on more walks with my dog, and I reached a point in my life where I feel like I've accepted the good with the bad, and in doing so, can continue to grow and be better as a person. #NoSecondDraft
Also book club membership has blossomed. What started as a two person endeavor has grown into a group of three people. No longer will I have to hide the shame of my weird two person book club. Now I have a weird three person book club. Thank God that three is a crowd.
A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. - Oscar Wilde